Mercury Asynchrounous Session

Goal input and prioritization informer.

Please add and vote on goals and priorities for the Mercury Session and all the Real-Time Sessions that occur within.
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The Comprehensive Plan - Get more People Educated About It

What is the Comprehensive plan and why is it important... We just want to make sure people know what it is etc. And also make sure people know how to Vote for to Prioritize the Plan through the Here is a 4 page...
xacobi, 04.12.2014, 23:39
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Unity Day Scheduling (The Primary Unity Network Annual Event)

Get People Voting to help Schedule Unity Day. Also we have an on-going proposal to Sync our Regular Unity Network Scheduling with Unity Day, which means it is important to Schedule Unity Well. Link for Unity Day Scheduling Vote:...
xacobi, 04.12.2014, 23:43
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Unity Network Internal Work Systems Education

For those who are interested in volunteering and getting involved. Our hope is to give some more basics on the Unity Network Internal Systems so that we can get our structures and planning going. This includes planning for future sessions,...
xacobi, 05.12.2014, 00:00